Although in most cases, physicians provide competent care and are able to avoid complications during the birth process, when things go wrong the results can be devastating. Medical malpractice comes in many forms and causes a great many injuries that could have been avoided with competent execution of protocol. Arguably, patients are the most vulnerable victims of negligence as they leave their lives in the hands of people who are equally as capable of saving lives as they are of harming them.

Birth Injury Lawsuits
Birth Injury Lawsuits
Though birth injuries account for only a small fraction of total birth statistics, for those whose are impacted, their lives may be affected dramatically. The common thread shared by all victims of birth injury is the avoidable nature many of them share that leave families with the unanswered question: Why did this happen?

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
Medical malpractice is a breach of the acceptable standard of care. It can occur on any level can involve administration, the use of faulty equipment, doctor error and more. As result, patients suffer- often very serious- injuries. The legal implications of medical negligence are highly complex, requiring diligent research and application.