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Ava Lawson

Ava is an Associate Editor and leading contributor of original content to Medstak. She hopes to raise awareness about medical negligence among consumers.

What You Should Know about VBAC Risks

While a vaginal birth after cesarean delivery (VBAC) is often an empowering experience for women who are told they should have another C-section, this type of labor is not without risk.  A scar on the uterus from a previous cesarean delivery raises the possibility of uterine... Read More

Therapy for Brachial Plexus Injuries

A brachial plexus injury is a life-long condition for many afflicted children. This delicate and intricate network of nerves controls feeling and movement in the shoulder, arm and hands and originates in the cervical spine. Any stretching, compression or tearing of the nerves may cause... Read More